Source code for pymcmcstat.structures.ResultsStructure

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Jan 17 09:18:19 2018

@author: prmiles

# import required packages
import json
import numpy as np
from ..utilities.NumpyEncoder import NumpyEncoder
from ..utilities.general import removekey
from ..chain.ChainProcessing import _check_directory, _create_path_without_extension

[docs]class ResultsStructure: ''' Results from MCMC simulation. **Description:** Class used to organize results of MCMC simulation. Attributes: * :meth:`~export_simulation_results_to_json_file` * :meth:`~determine_filename` * :meth:`~save_json_object` * :meth:`~load_json_object` * :meth:`~add_basic` * :meth:`~add_updatesigma` * :meth:`~add_dram` * :meth:`~add_prior` * :meth:`~add_options` * :meth:`~add_model` * :meth:`~add_chain` * :meth:`~add_s2chain` * :meth:`~add_sschain` * :meth:`~add_time_stats` * :meth:`~add_random_number_sequence` ''' def __init__(self): self.results = {} # initialize empty dictionary self.basic = False # basic structure not add yet # --------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def export_simulation_results_to_json_file(self, results): ''' Export simulation results to a json file. Args: * **results** (:class:`~.ResultsStructure`): Dictionary of MCMC simulation results/settings. ''' savedir = results['simulation_options']['savedir'] filename = self.determine_filename(options=results['simulation_options']) _check_directory(savedir) # make sure output directory exists file = _create_path_without_extension(savedir, filename) self.save_json_object(results, file)
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[docs] def export_lightly(self, results): ''' Export minimal simulation results to a json file. This will save the key terms in the results dict, excluding arrays. Ideally, this is used in conjunction with one of the chain saving methods. The goal is to provide a results dict to simplify post- processing and reduces storage overhead. Args: * **results** (:class:`~.ResultsStructure`): Dictionary of MCMC simulation results/settings. ''' savedir = results['simulation_options']['savedir'] filename = self.determine_filename(options=results['simulation_options']) _check_directory(savedir) # make sure output directory exists file = _create_path_without_extension(savedir, filename) light_results = results.copy() # remove arrays from light results light_results = lighten_results(results=light_results) self.save_json_object(light_results, file)
[docs] @classmethod def determine_filename(cls, options): ''' Determine results filename. If not specified by `results_filename` in the simulation options, then a default naming format is generated using the date string associated with the initialization of the simulation. Args: * **options** (:class:`~.SimulationOptions`): MCMC simulation options. Returns: * **filename** (:py:class:`str`): Filename string. ''' results_filename = options['results_filename'] if results_filename is None: dtstr = options['datestr'] filename = str('{}{}{}'.format(dtstr, '_', 'mcmc_simulation.json')) else: filename = results_filename return filename
[docs] @classmethod def save_json_object(cls, results, filename): ''' Save object to json file. .. note:: Filename should include extension. Args: * **results** (:py:class:`dict`): Object to save. * **filename** (:py:class:`str`): Write object into file with this name. ''' with open(filename, 'w') as out: json.dump(results, out, sort_keys=True, indent=4, cls=NumpyEncoder)
[docs] @classmethod def load_json_object(cls, filename): ''' Load object stored in json file. .. note:: Filename should include extension. Args: * **filename** (:py:class:`str`): Load object from file with this name. Returns: * **results** (:py:class:`dict`): Object loaded from file. ''' with open(filename, 'r') as obj: results = json.load(obj) return results
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[docs] def add_basic(self, nsimu, covariance, parameters, rejected, simutime, theta): ''' Add basic results from MCMC simulation to structure. Args: * **nsimu** (:py:class:`int`): Number of MCMC simulations. * **model** (:class:`.ModelSettings`): MCMC model settings. * **covariance** (:class:`.CovarianceProcedures`): Covariance variables. * **parameters** (:class:`.ModelParameters`): Model parameters. * **rejected** (:py:class:`dict`): Dictionary of rejection stats. * **simutime** (:py:class:`float`): Simulation run time in seconds. * **theta** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Last sampled values. ''' self.results['theta'] = theta self.results['parind'] = parameters._parind self.results['local'] = parameters._local self.results['total_rejected'] = rejected['total']*(nsimu**(-1)) # total rejected # rejected due to sampling outside limits self.results['rejected_outside_bounds'] = rejected['outside_bounds']*(nsimu**(-1)) self.results['R'] = covariance._R self.results['qcov'] =, covariance._R) self.results['cov'] = covariance._covchain self.results['qcov_scale'] = covariance._qcov_scale self.results['mean'] = covariance._meanchain self.results['names'] = [parameters._names[ii] for ii in parameters._parind] self.results['limits'] = [parameters._lower_limits[parameters._parind[:]], parameters._upper_limits[parameters._parind[:]]] self.results['nsimu'] = nsimu self.results['simutime'] = simutime covariance._qcovorig[np.ix_(parameters._parind, parameters._parind)] = self.results['qcov'] self.results['qcovorig'] = covariance._qcovorig self.results['original_covariance'] = covariance._qcov_original self.basic = True # add_basic has been execute
[docs] def add_updatesigma(self, updatesigma, sigma2, S20, N0): ''' Add information to results structure related to observation error. Args: * **updatesigma** (:py:class:`bool`): Flag to update error variance(s). * **sigma2** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Latest estimate of error variance(s). * **S20** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Scaling parameter(s). * **N0** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Shape parameter(s). If :code:`updatesigma is True`, then :: results['sigma2'] = np.nan results['S20'] = S20 results['N0'] = N0 Otherwise :: results['sigma2'] = sigma2 results['S20'] = np.nan results['N0'] = np.nan ''' self.results['updatesigma'] = updatesigma if updatesigma: self.results['sigma2'] = np.nan self.results['S20'] = S20 self.results['N0'] = N0 else: self.results['sigma2'] = sigma2 self.results['S20'] = np.nan self.results['N0'] = np.nan
[docs] def add_dram(self, drscale, RDR, total_rejected, drsettings): ''' Add results specific to performing DR algorithm. Args: * **drscale** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Reduced scale for sampling in DR algorithm. Default is [5,4,3]. * **RDR** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Cholesky decomposition of covariance matrix based on DR. * **total_rejected** (:py:class:`int`): Number of rejected samples. * **drsettings** (:class:`~.DelayedRejection`): Need access to counters within DR class. ''' # extract results from basic structure if self.basic is True: nsimu = self.results['nsimu'] self.results['drscale'] = drscale drsettings.iacce[0] = nsimu - total_rejected - sum(drsettings.iacce[1:]) # 1 - number accepted without DR, 2 - number accepted via DR try 1, # 3 - number accepted via DR try 2, etc. self.results['iacce'] = drsettings.iacce self.results['alpha_count'] = drsettings.dr_step_counter self.results['RDR'] = RDR return True else: print('Cannot add DRAM settings to results structure before running ''add_basic''') return False
[docs] def add_prior(self, mu, sigma, priortype): ''' Add results specific to prior function. Args: * **mu** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Prior mean. * **sigma** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Prior standard deviation. * **priortype** (:py:class:`int`): Flag identifying type of prior. .. note:: This feature is not currently implemented. ''' self.results['prior'] = dict(mu=mu, sigma=sigma, priortype=priortype)
[docs] def add_options(self, options=None): ''' Saves subset of features of the simulation options in a nested dictionary. Args: * **options** (:class:`.SimulationOptions`): MCMC simulation options. ''' # Return options as dictionary opt = options.__dict__ # define list of keywords to NOT add to results structure do_not_save_these_keys = ['doram', 'waitbar', 'debug', 'dodram', 'maxmem', 'verbosity', 'RDR', 'stats', 'initqcovn', 'drscale', 'maxiter', '_SimulationOptions__options_set', 'skip'] for keyii in do_not_save_these_keys: opt = removekey(opt, keyii) # must convert 'options' object to a dictionary self.results['simulation_options'] = opt
[docs] def add_model(self, model=None): ''' Saves subset of features of the model settings in a nested dictionary. Args: * **model** (:class:`.ModelSettings`): MCMC model settings. ''' # Return model as dictionary mod = model.__dict__ # define list of keywords to NOT add to results structure do_not_save_these_keys = ['sos_function', 'prior_function', 'model_function', 'prior_update_function', 'prior_pars'] for keyii in do_not_save_these_keys: mod = removekey(mod, keyii) # must convert 'model' object to a dictionary self.results['model_settings'] = mod
[docs] def add_chain(self, chain=None): ''' Add chain to results structure. Args: * **chain** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Model parameter sampling chain. ''' self.results['chain'] = chain
[docs] def add_s2chain(self, s2chain=None): ''' Add observiation error chain to results structure. Args: * **s2chain** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Sampling chain of observation errors. ''' self.results['s2chain'] = s2chain
[docs] def add_sschain(self, sschain=None): ''' Add sum-of-squares chain to results structure. Args: * **sschain** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Calculated sum-of-squares error for each parameter chains set. ''' self.results['sschain'] = sschain
[docs] def add_time_stats(self, mtime, drtime, adtime): ''' Add time spend using each sampling algorithm. Args: * **mtime** (:py:class:`float`): Time spent performing standard Metropolis. * **drtime** (:py:class:`float`): Time spent performing Delayed Rejection. * **adtime** (:py:class:`float`): Time spent performing Adaptation. .. note:: This feature is not currently implemented. ''' self.results['time [mh, dr, am]'] = [mtime, drtime, adtime]
[docs] def add_random_number_sequence(self, rndseq): ''' Add random number sequence to results structure. Args: * **rndseq** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Sequence of sampled random numbers. .. note:: This feature is not currently implemented. ''' self.results['rndseq'] = rndseq
[docs]def lighten_results(results): ''' Saves subset of features of the simulation options in a nested dictionary. Args: * **options** (:class:`.SimulationOptions`): MCMC simulation options. ''' # define list of keywords to NOT add to results structure do_not_save_these_keys = ['chain', 's2chain', 'sschain'] for keyii in do_not_save_these_keys: results = removekey(results, keyii) return results