Source code for pymcmcstat.samplers.DelayedRejection

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Jan 18 10:42:07 2018

@author: prmiles
# import required packages
import numpy as np
from ..structures.ParameterSet import ParameterSet
from .utilities import sample_candidate_from_gaussian_proposal
from .utilities import is_sample_outside_bounds, set_outside_bounds
from .utilities import posterior_ratio_acceptance_test
from .utilities import calculate_log_posterior_ratio
# from .utilities import log_posterior_ratio_acceptance_test

[docs]class DelayedRejection: ''' Delayed Rejection (DR) algorithm based on :cite:`haario2006dram`. Attributes: * :meth:`~run_delayed_rejection` * :meth:`~initialize_next_metropolis_step` * :meth:`~alphafun` ''' # -------------------------------------------
[docs] def run_delayed_rejection(self, old_set, new_set, RDR, ntry, parameters, invR, sosobj, priorobj, custom=None): ''' Perform delayed rejection step - occurs in standard metropolis is not accepted. Args: * **old_set** (:class:`~.ParameterSet`): Features of :math:`q^{k-1}` * **new_set** (:class:`~.ParameterSet`): Features of :math:`q^*` * **RDR** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Cholesky decomposition of parameter covariance matrix for DR steps * **ntry** (:py:class:`int`): Number of DR steps to perform until rejection * **parameters** (:class:`~.ModelParameters`): Model parameters * **invR** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Inverse Cholesky decomposition matrix * **sosobj** (:class:`~.SumOfSquares`): Sum-of-Squares function * **priorobj** (:class:`~.PriorFunction`): Prior function Returns: * **accept** (:py:class:`int`): 0 - reject, 1 - accept * **out_set** (:class:`~.ParameterSet`): If accept == 1, then latest DR set; Else, :math:`q^k=q^{k-1}` * **outbound** (:py:class:`int`): 1 - rejected due to sampling outside of parameter bounds ''' # create trypath trypath = [old_set, new_set] itry = 1 # dr step index accept = False # initialize acceptance criteria while accept is False and itry < ntry: itry += 1 # update dr step index # initialize next step parameter set next_set = self.initialize_next_metropolis_step( npar=parameters.npar, old_theta=old_set.theta, sigma2=new_set.sigma2, RDR=RDR[itry-1]) # Reject points outside boundaries outsidebounds = is_sample_outside_bounds(next_set.theta, parameters._lower_limits[parameters._parind[:]], parameters._upper_limits[parameters._parind[:]]) if outsidebounds is True: next_set, outbound = set_outside_bounds(next_set=next_set) trypath.append(next_set) out_set = old_set continue # return to beginning of while loop # Evaluate new proposals outbound = 0 = sosobj.evaluate_sos_function(next_set.theta, custom=custom) next_set.prior = priorobj.evaluate_prior(theta=next_set.theta) trypath.append(next_set) # add set to trypath alpha = self.alphafun(trypath, invR) trypath[-1].alpha = alpha # add propability ratio # check results of delayed rejection accept = posterior_ratio_acceptance_test(alpha=alpha) # accept = log_posterior_ratio_acceptance_test(alpha) out_set = update_set_based_on_acceptance(accept, old_set=old_set, next_set=next_set) self.iacce[itry - 1] += accept # if accepted, adds 1, if not, adds 0 return accept, out_set, outbound
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[docs] @classmethod def initialize_next_metropolis_step(cls, npar, old_theta, sigma2, RDR): ''' Take metropolis step according to DR Args: * **npar** (:py:class:`int`): Number of parameters * **old_theta** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): `q^{k-1}` * **sigma2** (:py:class:`float`): Observation error variance * **RDR** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Cholesky decomposition of parameter covariance matrix for DR steps * **itry** (:py:class:`int`): DR step counter Returns: * **next_set** (:class:`~.ParameterSet`): New proposal set * **u** (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): Numbers sampled from standard normal \ distributions (:code:`u.shape = (1,npar)`) ''' next_set = ParameterSet() next_set.theta, u = sample_candidate_from_gaussian_proposal(npar=npar, oldpar=old_theta, R=RDR) next_set.sigma2 = sigma2 return next_set
# ------------------------------------------- def _initialize_dr_metrics(self, options): ''' Initialize counting metrics for delayed rejection algorithm. Args: * **options** (:class:`~.SimulationOptions`): MCMC simulation options ''' self.iacce = np.zeros(options.ntry, dtype=int) self.dr_step_counter = 0 # -------------------------------------------
[docs] def alphafun(self, trypath, invR): ''' Calculate likelihood according to DR Args: * **trypath** (:py:class:`list`): Sequence of DR steps * **invR** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Inverse Cholesky decomposition matrix Returns: * **alpha** (:py:class:`float`): Result of likelihood function according to delayed rejection ''' self.dr_step_counter += 1 stage = len(trypath) - 1 # The stage we're in, elements in trypath - 1 # recursively compute past alphas a1 = 1.0 # initialize a2 = 1.0 # initialize for kk in range(0, stage - 1): tmp1 = self.alphafun(trypath[0:(kk + 2)], invR) a1 = a1*(1 - tmp1) tmp2 = self.alphafun(trypath[stage:stage - kk - 2:-1], invR) a2 = a2*(1 - tmp2) if a2 == 0: # we will come back with prob 1 alpha = np.zeros(1) return alpha # y = log_posterior_ratio(trypath[0], trypath[-1]) x1 = trypath[0] x2 = trypath[-1] y = calculate_log_posterior_ratio( loglikestar=-0.5*(, loglike=-0.5*(, logpriorstar=-0.5*x2.prior, logprior=-0.5*x1.prior) for kk in range(stage): y = y + nth_stage_log_proposal_ratio(kk, trypath, invR) alpha = min(np.ones(1), np.exp(y)*a2*(a1**(-1))) # alpha = y + np.log(a2) + np.log((a1**(-1))) return alpha
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[docs]def nth_stage_log_proposal_ratio(iq, trypath, invR): ''' Gaussian nth stage log proposal ratio. Logarithm of :math:`q_i(y_n,...,y_{n-j})/q_i(x,y_1,...,y_j)` Args: * **iq** (:py:class:`int`): Stage number. * **trypath** (:py:class:`list`): Sequence of DR steps * **invR** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Inverse Cholesky decomposition matrix Returns: * **zq** (:py:class:`float`): Logarithm of Gaussian nth stage proposal ratio. ''' stage = len(trypath) - 1 - 1 # - 1, iq; if stage == iq: # shift index due to 0-indexing zq = np.zeros(1) # we are symmetric else: iR = invR[iq] # proposal^(-1/2) y1, y2, y3, y4 = extract_state_elements(iq=iq, stage=stage, trypath=trypath) zq = -0.5*((np.linalg.norm(, iR)))**2 - (np.linalg.norm(, iR)))**2) return zq
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[docs]def extract_state_elements(iq, stage, trypath): ''' Extract elements from tried paths. Args: * **iq** (:py:class:`int`): Stage number. * **stage** (:py:class:`int`): Number of stages - 2 * **trypath** (:py:class:`list`): Sequence of DR steps ''' y1 = trypath[0].theta y2 = trypath[iq + 1].theta # check index y3 = trypath[stage + 1].theta y4 = trypath[stage - iq].theta return y1, y2, y3, y4
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[docs]def log_posterior_ratio(x1, x2): ''' Calculate the logarithm of the posterior ratio. Args: * **x1** (:class:`~.ParameterSet`): Old set - :math:`q^{k-1}` * **x2** (:class:`~.ParameterSet`): New set - :math:`q^*` Returns: * **zq** (:py:class:`float`): Logarithm of posterior ratio. ''' print('This function is deprecated as of v1.8.0') zq = -0.5*(sum((*(x2.sigma2**(-1.0)) -*(x1.sigma2**(-1.0)))) + x2.prior - x1.prior) return sum(zq)
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[docs]def update_set_based_on_acceptance(accept, old_set, next_set): ''' Define output set based on acceptance .. math:: & \\text{If}~u_{\\alpha} <~\\alpha, \\ & \\quad \\text{Set}~q^k = q^*,~SS_{q^k} = SS_{q^*} \\ & \\text{Else} \\ & \\quad \\text{Set}~q^k = q^{k-1},~SS_{q^k} = SS_{q^{k-1}} Args: * **accept** (:py:class:`int`): 0 - reject, 1 - accept * **old_set** (:class:`~.ParameterSet`): Features of :math:`q^{k-1}` * **next_set** (:class:`~.ParameterSet`): New proposal set Returns: * **out_set** (:class:`~.ParameterSet`): If accept == 1, then latest DR set; Else, :math:`q^k=q^{k-1}` ''' if accept is True: out_set = next_set else: out_set = old_set return out_set