Source code for pymcmcstat.structures.ResultsStructure

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Jan 17 09:18:19 2018

@author: prmiles

# import required packages
import json
import numpy as np
from ..utilities.NumpyEncoder import NumpyEncoder
from ..utilities.general import removekey
from ..chain.ChainProcessing import _check_directory, _create_path_without_extension

[docs]class ResultsStructure: ''' Results from MCMC simulation. **Description:** Class used to organize results of MCMC simulation. Attributes: * :meth:`~export_simulation_results_to_json_file` * :meth:`~determine_filename` * :meth:`~save_json_object` * :meth:`~load_json_object` * :meth:`~add_basic` * :meth:`~add_updatesigma` * :meth:`~add_dram` * :meth:`~add_prior` * :meth:`~add_options` * :meth:`~add_model` * :meth:`~add_chain` * :meth:`~add_s2chain` * :meth:`~add_sschain` * :meth:`~add_time_stats` * :meth:`~add_random_number_sequence` ''' def __init__(self): self.results = {} # initialize empty dictionary self.basic = False # basic structure not add yet # --------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def export_simulation_results_to_json_file(self, results): ''' Export simulation results to a json file. Args: * **results** (:class:`~.ResultsStructure`): Dictionary of MCMC simulation results/settings. ''' savedir = results['simulation_options']['savedir'] filename = self.determine_filename(options=results['simulation_options']) _check_directory(savedir) # make sure output directory exists file = _create_path_without_extension(savedir, filename) self.save_json_object(results, file)
[docs] @classmethod def determine_filename(cls, options): ''' Determine results filename. If not specified by `results_filename` in the simulation options, then a default naming format is generated using the date string associated with the initialization of the simulation. Args: * **options** (:class:`~.SimulationOptions`): MCMC simulation options. Returns: * **filename** (:py:class:`str`): Filename string. ''' results_filename = options['results_filename'] if results_filename is None: dtstr = options['datestr'] filename = str('{}{}{}'.format(dtstr, '_', 'mcmc_simulation.json')) else: filename = results_filename return filename
[docs] @classmethod def save_json_object(cls, results, filename): ''' Save object to json file. .. note:: Filename should include extension. Args: * **results** (:py:class:`dict`): Object to save. * **filename** (:py:class:`str`): Write object into file with this name. ''' with open(filename, 'w') as out: json.dump(results, out, sort_keys=True, indent=4, cls=NumpyEncoder)
[docs] @classmethod def load_json_object(cls, filename): ''' Load object stored in json file. .. note:: Filename should include extension. Args: * **filename** (:py:class:`str`): Load object from file with this name. Returns: * **results** (:py:class:`dict`): Object loaded from file. ''' with open(filename, 'r') as obj: results = json.load(obj) return results
# --------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def add_basic(self, nsimu, covariance, parameters, rejected, simutime, theta): ''' Add basic results from MCMC simulation to structure. Args: * **nsimu** (:py:class:`int`): Number of MCMC simulations. * **model** (:class:`.ModelSettings`): MCMC model settings. * **covariance** (:class:`.CovarianceProcedures`): Covariance variables. * **parameters** (:class:`.ModelParameters`): Model parameters. * **rejected** (:py:class:`dict`): Dictionary of rejection stats. * **simutime** (:py:class:`float`): Simulation run time in seconds. * **theta** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Last sampled values. ''' self.results['theta'] = theta self.results['parind'] = parameters._parind self.results['local'] = parameters._local self.results['total_rejected'] = rejected['total']*(nsimu**(-1)) # total rejected # rejected due to sampling outside limits self.results['rejected_outside_bounds'] = rejected['outside_bounds']*(nsimu**(-1)) self.results['R'] = covariance._R self.results['qcov'] =, covariance._R) self.results['cov'] = covariance._covchain self.results['qcov_scale'] = covariance._qcov_scale self.results['mean'] = covariance._meanchain self.results['names'] = [parameters._names[ii] for ii in parameters._parind] self.results['limits'] = [parameters._lower_limits[parameters._parind[:]], parameters._upper_limits[parameters._parind[:]]] self.results['nsimu'] = nsimu self.results['simutime'] = simutime covariance._qcovorig[np.ix_(parameters._parind, parameters._parind)] = self.results['qcov'] self.results['qcovorig'] = covariance._qcovorig self.results['original_covariance'] = covariance._qcov_original self.basic = True # add_basic has been execute
[docs] def add_updatesigma(self, updatesigma, sigma2, S20, N0): ''' Add information to results structure related to observation error. Args: * **updatesigma** (:py:class:`bool`): Flag to update error variance(s). * **sigma2** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Latest estimate of error variance(s). * **S20** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Scaling parameter(s). * **N0** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Shape parameter(s). If :code:`updatesigma is True`, then :: results['sigma2'] = np.nan results['S20'] = S20 results['N0'] = N0 Otherwise :: results['sigma2'] = sigma2 results['S20'] = np.nan results['N0'] = np.nan ''' self.results['updatesigma'] = updatesigma if updatesigma: self.results['sigma2'] = np.nan self.results['S20'] = S20 self.results['N0'] = N0 else: self.results['sigma2'] = sigma2 self.results['S20'] = np.nan self.results['N0'] = np.nan
[docs] def add_dram(self, drscale, RDR, total_rejected, drsettings): ''' Add results specific to performing DR algorithm. Args: * **drscale** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Reduced scale for sampling in DR algorithm. Default is [5,4,3]. * **RDR** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Cholesky decomposition of covariance matrix based on DR. * **total_rejected** (:py:class:`int`): Number of rejected samples. * **drsettings** (:class:`~.DelayedRejection`): Need access to counters within DR class. ''' # extract results from basic structure if self.basic is True: nsimu = self.results['nsimu'] self.results['drscale'] = drscale drsettings.iacce[0] = nsimu - total_rejected - sum(drsettings.iacce[1:]) # 1 - number accepted without DR, 2 - number accepted via DR try 1, # 3 - number accepted via DR try 2, etc. self.results['iacce'] = drsettings.iacce self.results['alpha_count'] = drsettings.dr_step_counter self.results['RDR'] = RDR return True else: print('Cannot add DRAM settings to results structure before running ''add_basic''') return False
[docs] def add_prior(self, mu, sigma, priortype): ''' Add results specific to prior function. Args: * **mu** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Prior mean. * **sigma** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Prior standard deviation. * **priortype** (:py:class:`int`): Flag identifying type of prior. .. note:: This feature is not currently implemented. ''' self.results['prior'] = dict(mu=mu, sigma=sigma, priortype=priortype)
[docs] def add_options(self, options=None): ''' Saves subset of features of the simulation options in a nested dictionary. Args: * **options** (:class:`.SimulationOptions`): MCMC simulation options. ''' # Return options as dictionary opt = options.__dict__ # define list of keywords to NOT add to results structure do_not_save_these_keys = ['doram', 'waitbar', 'debug', 'dodram', 'maxmem', 'verbosity', 'RDR', 'stats', 'initqcovn', 'drscale', 'maxiter', '_SimulationOptions__options_set', 'skip'] for keyii in do_not_save_these_keys: opt = removekey(opt, keyii) # must convert 'options' object to a dictionary self.results['simulation_options'] = opt
[docs] def add_model(self, model=None): ''' Saves subset of features of the model settings in a nested dictionary. Args: * **model** (:class:`.ModelSettings`): MCMC model settings. ''' # Return model as dictionary mod = model.__dict__ # define list of keywords to NOT add to results structure do_not_save_these_keys = ['sos_function', 'prior_function', 'model_function', 'prior_update_function', 'prior_pars'] for keyii in do_not_save_these_keys: mod = removekey(mod, keyii) # must convert 'model' object to a dictionary self.results['model_settings'] = mod
[docs] def add_chain(self, chain=None): ''' Add chain to results structure. Args: * **chain** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Model parameter sampling chain. ''' self.results['chain'] = chain
[docs] def add_s2chain(self, s2chain=None): ''' Add observiation error chain to results structure. Args: * **s2chain** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Sampling chain of observation errors. ''' self.results['s2chain'] = s2chain
[docs] def add_sschain(self, sschain=None): ''' Add sum-of-squares chain to results structure. Args: * **sschain** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Calculated sum-of-squares error for each parameter chains set. ''' self.results['sschain'] = sschain
[docs] def add_time_stats(self, mtime, drtime, adtime): ''' Add time spend using each sampling algorithm. Args: * **mtime** (:py:class:`float`): Time spent performing standard Metropolis. * **drtime** (:py:class:`float`): Time spent performing Delayed Rejection. * **adtime** (:py:class:`float`): Time spent performing Adaptation. .. note:: This feature is not currently implemented. ''' self.results['time [mh, dr, am]'] = [mtime, drtime, adtime]
[docs] def add_random_number_sequence(self, rndseq): ''' Add random number sequence to results structure. Args: * **rndseq** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Sequence of sampled random numbers. .. note:: This feature is not currently implemented. ''' self.results['rndseq'] = rndseq