pymcmcstat.procedures package

pymcmcstat.procedures.CovarianceProcedures module

Created on Thu Jan 18 07:55:46 2018

Description: Support methods for initializing and updating the covariance matrix. Additional routines associated with Cholesky Decomposition.

@author: prmiles

class pymcmcstat.procedures.CovarianceProcedures.CovarianceProcedures[source]

Bases: object

Covariance matrix variables and methods.


Display subset of the covariance settings.

  • print_these (list): List of strings corresponding to keywords. Default below.
print_these = ['qcov', 'R', 'RDR', 'invR', 'last_index_since_adaptation', 'covchain']
setup_covariance_matrix(qcov, thetasig, value)[source]

Initialize covariance matrix.

If no proposal covariance matrix is provided, then the default is generated by squaring 5% of the initial value. This yields a diagonal covariance matrix.

V = diag([(0.05\theta_i)^2])

If the initial value was one, this would lead to zero variance. In those instances the variance is set equal to qcov[qcov==0] = 1.0.

  • qcov (ndarray): Parameter covariance matrix.
  • thetasig (ndarray): Prior variance.
  • value (ndarray): Current parameter value.

pymcmcstat.procedures.ErrorVarianceEstimator module

Created on Thu Jan 18 13:12:50 2018

@author: prmiles

class pymcmcstat.procedures.ErrorVarianceEstimator.ErrorVarianceEstimator[source]

Bases: object

Estimate observation errors.

gammar(m, n, a, b=1)[source]

Random deviates from gamma distribution.

Returns a m x n matrix of random deviates from the Gamma
distribution with shape parameter A and scale parameter B:

p(x|A,B) = \frac{B^{-A}}{\Gamma(A)}*x^{A-1}*\exp(-x/B)

  • m (int): Number of rows in return
  • n (int): Number of columns in return
  • a (float): Shape parameter
  • b (float): Scaling parameter
gammar_mt(m, n, a, b=1)[source]

Wrapper routine for calculating random deviates from gamma distribution using method of Marsaglia and Tsang (2000) [MT00].

  • m (int): Number of rows in return
  • n (int): Number of columns in return
  • a (float): Shape parameter
  • b (float): Scaling parameter
update_error_variance(sos, model)[source]

Update observation error variance.

Strategy: Treat error variance \sigma^2 as parameter to be sampled.

Definition: The property that the prior and posterior distributions have the same parametric form is termed conjugacy.

Starting from the likelihood function, it can be shown

\sigma^2|(\nu, q) \sim \text{Inv-Gamma}\Big(\frac{N_s + N}{2},             \frac{N_s\sigma_{s}^2+ SS_q}{2}\Big)

where N_s and \sigma_{s}^2 are shape and scaling parameters, N is the number of observations, and SS_q is the sum-of-squares error. For more details regarding the interpretation of N_s and \sigma_{s}^2, please refer to [Smi14] page 163.


The variables N_s and \sigma_{s}^2 correspond to N0 and S20 in the ModelSettings class, respectively.

  • sos (ndarray): Return argument from evaluation of sum-of-squares function.
  • model (ModelSettings): MCMC model settings.

pymcmcstat.procedures.PriorFunction module

Created on Thu Jan 18 09:10:21 2018

Description: Prior function

@author: prmiles

class pymcmcstat.procedures.PriorFunction.PriorFunction(priorfun=None, mu=array([0]), sigma=array([inf]))[source]

Bases: object

Prior distribution functions.

classmethod default_priorfun(theta, mu, sigma)[source]

Default prior function - Gaussian.

\pi_0(q) = \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}}\exp\Big[\Big(\frac{\theta - \mu}{\sigma^2}\Big)^2\Big]

  • theta (ndarray): Current parameter values.
  • mu (ndarray): Prior mean.
  • sigma (ndarray): Prior standard deviation.

Evaluate the prior function.

  • theta (ndarray): Current parameter values.

pymcmcstat.procedures.SumOfSquares module

Created on Wed Jan 17 16:21:48 2018

@author: prmiles

class pymcmcstat.procedures.SumOfSquares.SumOfSquares(model, data, parameters)[source]

Bases: object

Sum-of-squares function evaluation.

Description: Sum-of-squares (sos) class intended for used in MCMC simulator. Each instance will contain the sos function. If the user did not specify a sos-function, then the user supplied model function will be used in the default mcmc sos-function.

evaluate_sos_function(theta, custom=None)[source]

Evaluate sum-of-squares function.

  • theta (ndarray): Parameter values.
  • ss (ndarray): Sum-of-squares error(s)
classmethod mcmc_sos_function(theta, data, nbatch, model_function)[source]

Default sum-of-squares function.


This method requires specifying a model function instead of a sum of squares function. Not recommended for most applications.

Basic formulation:

SS_{q,i} = \sum [w_i(y^{data}_i-y^{model}_i)^2]

where w_i is the weight of a particular data set, and SS_{q,i} is the sum-of-squares error for the i-th data set.

  • theta (ndarray): Parameter values.
  • ss (ndarray): Sum-of-squares error(s)