Source code for pymcmcstat.procedures.PriorFunction

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Jan 18 09:10:21 2018

Description: Prior function

@author: prmiles
# Import required packages
import numpy as np

[docs]class PriorFunction: ''' Prior distribution functions. Attributes: * :meth:`default_priorfun` * :meth:`evaluate_prior` ''' def __init__(self, priorfun = None, mu = np.array([0]), sigma = np.array([np.inf])): = mu self.sigma = sigma # Setup prior function and evaluate if priorfun is None: priorfun = self.default_priorfun self.priorfun = priorfun # function handle
[docs] @classmethod def default_priorfun(cls, theta, mu, sigma): ''' Default prior function - Gaussian. .. math:: \\pi_0(q) = \\frac{1}{\\sigma\sqrt{2\\pi}}\\exp\Big[\\Big(\\frac{\\theta - \\mu}{\\sigma^2}\\Big)^2\Big] Args: * **theta** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Current parameter values. * **mu** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Prior mean. * **sigma** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Prior standard deviation. ''' # consider converting everything to numpy array - should allow for optimized performance # n = len(theta) # # if mu is None: # mu = np.zeros([n,1]) # # if sigma is None: # sigma = np.ones([n,1]) # # pf = np.zeros(1) # for ii in range(n): # pf = pf + ((theta[ii]-mu[ii])*(sigma[ii]**(-1)))**2 # proposed numpy implementation res = (mu - theta)/sigma pf =,res.size), res.reshape(res.size,1)) return pf
[docs] def evaluate_prior(self, theta): ''' Evaluate the prior function. Args: * **theta** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Current parameter values. ''' return self.priorfun(theta,, self.sigma)