Source code for pymcmcstat.plotting.PredictionIntervals

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Nov  8 12:00:11 2017

@author: prmiles

import numpy as np
import sys
from ..settings.DataStructure import DataStructure
from ..settings.ModelSettings import ModelSettings
from ..utilities.progressbar import progress_bar
from ..plotting.utilities import append_to_nrow_ncol_based_on_shape, convert_flag_to_boolean, set_local_parameters
from ..plotting.utilities import empirical_quantiles, check_defaults
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]class PredictionIntervals: ''' Prediction/Credible interval methods. Attributes: - :meth:`~setup_prediction_interval_calculation` - :meth:`~generate_prediction_intervals` - :meth:`~plot_prediction_intervals` ''' # ****************************************************************************** # --------------------------------------------
[docs] def setup_prediction_interval_calculation(self, results, data, modelfunction, burnin = 0): ''' Setup calculation for prediction interval generation Args: * results (:class:`~.ResultsStructure`): MCMC results structure * data (:class:`~.DataStructure`): MCMC data structure * modelfunction: Model function handle ''' # Analyze data structure self.__ndatabatches, ncols = self._analyze_data_structure(data = data) # setup data structure for prediction self.datapred = self._setup_data_structure_for_prediction(data = data, ndatabatches = self.__ndatabatches) # assign model function self.modelfunction = modelfunction # assign required features from the results structure self._assign_features_from_results_structure(results = results, burnin = burnin) # evaluate model function to determine shape of response self.__nrow, self.__ncol = self._determine_shape_of_response(modelfunction = modelfunction, ndatabatches = self.__ndatabatches, datapred = self.datapred, theta = self.__theta) # analyze structure of s2chain with respect to model output if self.__s2chain is not None: self.__s2chain_index = self._analyze_s2chain(ndatabatches = self.__ndatabatches, s2chain = self.__s2chain, ncol = self.__ncol)
# -------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _analyze_data_structure(cls, data): ''' Analyze data structure. Args: * **data** (:class:`~.DataStructure`): Data structure. Returns: * **ndatabatches** (:py:class:`int`): Number of batch data sets. * **ncols** (:py:class:`list`): List containing number of columns in each set. ''' # Analyze data structure dshapes = data.shape ndatabatches = len(dshapes) ncols = [] for ii in range(ndatabatches): if len(dshapes[ii]) != 1: ncols.append(dshapes[ii][1]) else: ncols.append(1) return ndatabatches, ncols # -------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _setup_data_structure_for_prediction(cls, data, ndatabatches): ''' Setup data structure for generating quantile. Args: * **data** (:class:`~.DataStructure`): Data structure. * **ndatabatches** (:py:class:`int`): Number of batch data sets. Returns: * **datapred** (:py:class:`list`): Data structure for interval generation. ''' datapred = [] for ii in range(ndatabatches): # setup data structure for prediction # this is required to allow user to send objects other than xdata to model function datapred.append(DataStructure()) datapred[ii].add_data_set(x = data.xdata[ii], y = data.ydata[ii], user_defined_object = data.user_defined_object[ii]) return datapred # -------------------------------------------- def _assign_features_from_results_structure(self, results, burnin = 0): ''' Define variables based on items extracted from results dictionary. Args: * **results** (:py:class:`dict`): Results dictionary from MCMC simulation. ''' # assign required features from the results structure self.__chain = results['chain'][burnin:,:] self.__s2chain = results['s2chain'] if self.__s2chain is not None: self.__s2chain = self.__s2chain[burnin:,:] self.__parind = results['parind'] self.__local = results['local'] # Check how 'model' object was saved in results structure if isinstance(results['model_settings'], ModelSettings): self.__nbatch = results['model'].nbatch else: self.__nbatch = results['model_settings']['nbatch'] self.__theta = results['theta'] if 'sstype' in results: self.__sstype = results['sstype'] else: self.__sstype = 0 # -------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _determine_shape_of_response(cls, modelfunction, ndatabatches, datapred, theta): ''' Determine shape of model function repsonse. Args: * **modelfun** (:py:class:`func`): Model function handle. ''' # evaluate model function to determine shape of response nrow = [] ncol = [] for ii in range(ndatabatches): if isinstance(modelfunction, list): y = modelfunction[ii](datapred[ii], theta) else: y = modelfunction(datapred[ii], theta) sh = y.shape nrow, ncol = append_to_nrow_ncol_based_on_shape(sh, nrow, ncol) return nrow, ncol # -------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _analyze_s2chain(cls, ndatabatches, s2chain, ncol): ''' Analysis of s2chain. Depending on the nature of the data structure, there are a couple ways to interpret the shape of the s2chain. If s2chain = [nsimu, ns2], then ns2 could correspond to len(data.ydata) or the number of columns in data.ydata[0]. We will assume in this code that the user either stores similar sized vectors in a matrix; or, creates distinct list elements for equal or different size vectors. Creating distinct list elements of matrices will generate an error when trying to plot prediction intervals. Args: * **ndatabatches** (:py:class:`int`): Number of batch data sets. ''' # shape of s2chain n = s2chain.shape[1] # compare shape of s2chain with the number of data batches and the # number of columns in each batch. total_columns = sum(ncol) if n == 1: # only one obs. error for all data sets s2chain_index = np.zeros([ndatabatches,2], dtype = int) for ii in range(ndatabatches): s2chain_index[ii,:] = np.array([0, 1]) elif n != 1 and total_columns == n: # then different obs. error for each column s2chain_index = np.zeros([ndatabatches,2], dtype = int) for ii in range(ndatabatches): if ii == 0: s2chain_index[ii,:] = np.array([0, ncol[ii]]) else: s2chain_index[ii,:] = np.array([s2chain_index[ii-1,1], s2chain_index[ii-1,1] + ncol[ii]]) elif n != 1 and total_columns != n: if n == ndatabatches: # assume separate obs. error for each batch s2chain_index = np.zeros([ndatabatches,2], dtype = int) for ii in range(ndatabatches): if ii == 0: # 1? s2chain_index[ii,:] = np.array([0, 1]) else: s2chain_index[ii,:] = np.array([s2chain_index[ii-1,1], s2chain_index[ii-1,1] + 1]) else: print('s2chain.shape = {}'.format(s2chain.shape)) print('ndatabatches = {}'.format(ndatabatches)) print('# of columns per batch = {}'.format(ncol)) sys.exit('Unclear data structure: error variances do not match size of model output') return s2chain_index # ****************************************************************************** # --------------------------------------------
[docs] def generate_prediction_intervals(self, sstype = None, nsample = 500, calc_pred_int = True, waitbar = False): ''' Generate prediction/credible interval. Args: * **sstype** (:py:class:`int`): Sum-of-squares type * **nsample** (:py:class:`int`): Number of samples to use in generating intervals. * **calc_pred_int** (:py:class:`bool`): Flag to turn on prediction interval calculation. * **waitbar** (:py:class:`bool`): Flag to turn on progress bar. ''' chain, s2chain, lims, sstype, nsample, iisample = self._setup_generation_requirements(sstype = sstype, nsample = nsample, calc_pred_int = calc_pred_int) # setup progress bar print('Generating credible/prediction intervals:\n') if waitbar is True: self.__wbarstatus = progress_bar(iters = int(nsample)) # extract chain elements testchain = chain[iisample,:] # calculate intervals for data sets if s2chain is None: credible_intervals = self._calculate_ci_for_data_sets( testchain = testchain, waitbar = waitbar, lims = lims) prediction_intervals = None else: credible_intervals, prediction_intervals = self._calculate_ci_and_pi_for_data_sets( testchain = testchain, s2chain = s2chain, iisample = iisample, waitbar = waitbar, sstype = sstype, lims = lims) # generate output dictionary self.intervals = {'credible_intervals': credible_intervals, 'prediction_intervals': prediction_intervals} print('\nInterval generation complete\n')
# -------------------------------------------- def _setup_generation_requirements(self, nsample, calc_pred_int, sstype): ''' Check if number of samples is defined - default to number of simulations. Args: * **nsample** (:py:class:`int`): Number of samples to draw from posterior. * **calc_pred_int** (:py:class:`bool`): User defined flag as to whether or not they want PI plotted. * **sstype** (:py:class:`int`): Flag to specify sstype. Returns: * **chain** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Chain of posterior density. * **s2chain** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Chain of observation errors. * **lims** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Quantile limits. * **sstype** (:py:class:`int`): Flag to specify sstype. * **nsample** (:py:class:`int`): Number of samples to draw from posterior. * **iisample** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Array of indices in posterior set. ''' # extract chain & s2chain from results chain = self.__chain calc_pred_int = convert_flag_to_boolean(calc_pred_int) if calc_pred_int is False: s2chain = None else: s2chain = self.__s2chain # define number of simulations by the size of the chain array nsimu = chain.shape[0] # define interval limits lims = self._setup_interval_limits(s2chain) # define ss type sstype = self._setup_sstype(sstype) # check value of nsample nsample = self._check_nsample(nsample = nsample, nsimu = nsimu) # define sample points iisample, nsample = self._define_sample_points(nsample = nsample, nsimu = nsimu) return chain, s2chain, lims, sstype, nsample, iisample # -------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _setup_interval_limits(cls, s2chain): ''' Setup interval limits. If the observation errors are `None`, then it means prediction intervals are irrelevant. As a default the routine will then plot an expanded set of credible intervals. The output of this function should be interpreted as lower/upper limits of quantiles. So, a 99% quantile will have the limits [0.005, ..., 0.995]. Args: * **sigma2** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray` or `None`): Observation error chain. Returns: * **lims** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Lower/Upper limits of quantiles. ''' if s2chain is None: lims = np.array([0.005, 0.025, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.975, 0.995]) else: lims = np.array([0.025, 0.5, 0.975]) return lims # -------------------------------------------- def _setup_sstype(self, sstype): ''' Setup sstype and check value. :Cases: - `sstype = 0`: Standard normal. - `sstype = 1`: Square root. - `sstype = 2`: Logarithmic. See example usage in :meth:`~._observation_sample`. Args: * **sstype** (:py:class:`int`): Flag to specify sstype. Returns: * **sstype** (:py:class:`int`): Flag to specify sstype ''' if sstype is None: sstype = self.__sstype else: sstype = 0 return sstype # -------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _check_nsample(cls, nsample, nsimu): ''' Check if number of samples is defined - default to number of simulations. Args: * **nsample** (:py:class:`int`): Number of samples to draw from posterior. * **nsimu** (:py:class:`int`): Number of MCMC simulations. Returns: * **nsample** (:py:class:`int`): Number of samples to draw from posterior. ''' # check value of nsample if nsample is None: nsample = nsimu return nsample # -------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _define_sample_points(cls, nsample, nsimu): ''' Define indices to sample from posteriors. Args: * **nsample** (:py:class:`int`): Number of samples to draw from posterior. * **nsimu** (:py:class:`int`): Number of MCMC simulations. Returns: * **iisample** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Array of indices in posterior set. * **nsample** (:py:class:`int`): Number of samples to draw from posterior. ''' # define sample points if nsample >= nsimu: iisample = range(nsimu) # sample all points from chain nsample = nsimu else: # randomly sample from chain iisample = np.ceil(np.random.rand(nsample)*nsimu) - 1 iisample = iisample.astype(int) return iisample, nsample # -------------------------------------------- def _calculate_ci_for_data_sets(self, testchain, waitbar, lims): ''' Calculate credible intervals. Args: * **testchain** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Sample points from posterior density. * **iisample** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Array of indices in posterior set. * **waitbar** (:py:class:`bool`): Flag to turn on progress bar. * **sstype** (:py:class:`int`): Flag to specify sstype. Returns: * **credible_intervals(:py:class:`list`): List of credible intervals. ''' credible_intervals = [] for ii in range(len(self.datapred)): datapredii, nrow, ncol, modelfun, test = self._setup_interval_ii(ii = ii, datapred = self.datapred, nrow = self.__nrow, ncol = self.__ncol, modelfunction = self.modelfunction, local = self.__local) # Run interval generation on set ii ysave = self._calc_credible_ii(testchain = testchain, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, waitbar = waitbar, test = test, modelfun = modelfun, datapredii = datapredii) # generate quantiles plim = self._generate_quantiles(ysave, lims, ncol) credible_intervals.append(plim) return credible_intervals # -------------------------------------------- def _calculate_ci_and_pi_for_data_sets(self, testchain, s2chain, iisample, waitbar, sstype, lims): ''' Calculate prediction/credible intervals. Args: * **testchain** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Sample points from posterior density. * **s2chain** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Chain of observation errors. * **iisample** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Array of indices in posterior set. * **waitbar** (:py:class:`bool`): Flag to turn on progress bar. * **sstype** (:py:class:`int`): Flag to specify sstype. Returns: * **credible_intervals(:py:class:`list`): List of credible intervals. * **prediction_intervals(:py:class:`list`): List of prediction intervals. ''' credible_intervals = [] prediction_intervals = [] for ii in range(len(self.datapred)): datapredii, nrow, ncol, modelfun, test = self._setup_interval_ii( ii = ii, datapred = self.datapred, nrow = self.__nrow, ncol = self.__ncol, modelfunction = self.modelfunction, local = self.__local) s2ci = [self.__s2chain_index[ii][0], self.__s2chain_index[ii][1]] tests2chain = s2chain[iisample, s2ci[0]:s2ci[1]] # Run interval generation on set ii ysave, osave = self._calc_credible_and_prediction_ii( testchain = testchain, tests2chain = tests2chain, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, waitbar = waitbar, sstype = sstype, test = test, modelfun = modelfun, datapredii = datapredii) # generate quantiles plim = self._generate_quantiles(ysave, lims, ncol) olim = self._generate_quantiles(osave, lims, ncol) credible_intervals.append(plim) prediction_intervals.append(olim) return credible_intervals, prediction_intervals # -------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _setup_interval_ii(cls, ii, datapred, nrow, ncol, modelfunction, local): ''' Setup value for interval ii. Args: * **ii** (:py:class:`int`): Iteration number. * **datapred** (:py:class:`list`): List of data sets. * **nrow** (:py:class:`list`): List of rows in each data set. * **ncol** (:py:class:`list`): List of columns in each data set. * **modelfun** (:py:class:`func` or :py:class:`list`): Model function handle. Returns: * **datapredii** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Data set. * **nrow** (:py:class:`int`): Number of rows in data set. * **ncol** (:py:class:`int`): Number of columns in data set. * **modelfun** (:py:class:`func`): Model function handle. * **test** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Array of booleans correponding to local test. ''' datapredii = datapred[ii] nrow = nrow[ii] ncol = ncol[ii] if isinstance(modelfunction, list): modelfun = modelfunction[ii] else: modelfun = modelfunction # some parameters may only apply to certain batch sets test = set_local_parameters(ii = ii, local = local) return datapredii, nrow, ncol, modelfun, test # -------------------------------------------- def _calc_credible_ii(self, testchain, nrow, ncol, waitbar, test, modelfun, datapredii): ''' Calculate response for set ii. Args: * **testchain** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Sample points from posterior density. * **nrow** (:py:class:`int`): Number of rows in data set. * **ncol** (:py:class:`int`): Number of columns in data set. * **waitbar** (:py:class:`bool`): Flag to turn on progress bar. * **test** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Array of booleans correponding to local test. * **modelfun** (:py:class:`func`): Model function handle. * **datapredii** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Data set. Returns: * **ysave** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Model responses. ''' nsample = testchain.shape[0] theta = self.__theta ysave = np.zeros([nsample, nrow, ncol]) for kk, isa in enumerate(testchain): # progress bar if waitbar is True: self.__wbarstatus.update(kk) # extract chain set theta[self.__parind[:]] = isa th = theta[test] # evaluate model ypred = modelfun(datapredii, th) ypred = ypred.reshape(nrow, ncol) # store model prediction ysave[kk,:,:] = ypred # store model output return ysave # -------------------------------------------- def _calc_credible_and_prediction_ii(self, testchain, tests2chain, nrow, ncol, waitbar, sstype, test, modelfun, datapredii): ''' Calculate response and observations for set ii. Args: * **testchain** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Sample points from posterior density. * **tests2chain** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Sample points from observation errors. * **nrow** (:py:class:`int`): Number of rows in data set. * **ncol** (:py:class:`int`): Number of columns in data set. * **waitbar** (:py:class:`bool`): Flag to turn on progress bar. * **sstype** (:py:class:`int`): Flag to specify sstype. * **test** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Array of booleans correponding to local test. * **modelfun** (:py:class:`func`): Model function handle. * **datapredii** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Data set. Returns: * **ysave** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Model responses. * **osave** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Model responses with observation errors. ''' nsample = testchain.shape[0] theta = self.__theta ysave = np.zeros([nsample, nrow, ncol]) osave = np.zeros([nsample, nrow, ncol]) for kk, isa in enumerate(testchain): # progress bar if waitbar is True: self.__wbarstatus.update(kk) # extract chain set theta[self.__parind[:]] = isa th = theta[test] # evaluate model ypred = modelfun(datapredii, th) ypred = ypred.reshape(nrow, ncol) s2elem = tests2chain[kk] if s2elem.shape != (1,s2elem.size): s2elem = s2elem.reshape(1,s2elem.shape[0]) # make row vector opred = self._observation_sample(s2elem, ypred, sstype) # store model prediction ysave[kk,:,:] = ypred # store model output osave[kk,:,:] = opred # store model output with observation errors return ysave, osave # -------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _observation_sample(cls, s2elem, ypred, sstype): ''' Calculate model response with observation errors. Args: * **s2elem** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Observation error(s). * **ypred** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Model responses. * **sstype** (:py:class:`int`): Flag to specify sstype. Returns: * **opred** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Model responses with observation errors. ''' # check shape of s2elem and ypred ny = ypred.shape[1] ns = s2elem.shape[1] if ns != ny and ns == 1: s2elem = s2elem*np.ones([ny,1]) elif ns != ny and ns != 1: sys.exit('Unclear data structure: error variances do not match size of model output') if sstype == 0: opred = ypred + np.matmul(np.random.standard_normal(ypred.shape),np.diagflat( np.sqrt(s2elem))).reshape(ypred.shape) elif sstype == 1: # sqrt opred = (np.sqrt(ypred) + np.matmul(np.random.standard_normal(ypred.shape),np.diagflat( np.sqrt(s2elem))).reshape(ypred.shape))**2 elif sstype == 2: # log opred = ypred*np.exp(np.matmul(np.random.standard_normal(ypred.shape),np.diagflat( np.sqrt(s2elem))).reshape(ypred.shape)) else: sys.exit('Unknown sstype') return opred # -------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _generate_quantiles(cls, response, lims, ncol): ''' Generate quantiles based on observations. Args: * **response** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Array of model responses. * **lims** (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Array of quantile limits. * **ncol** (:py:class:`int`): Number of columns in `ysave`. Returns: * **quantiles** (:py:class:`list`): Quantiles for intervals. ''' # generate quantiles quantiles = [] for jj in range(ncol): quantiles.append(empirical_quantiles(response[:,:,jj], lims)) return quantiles # ****************************************************************************** # --------------------------------------------
[docs] def plot_prediction_intervals(self, plot_pred_int = True, adddata = False, addlegend = True, figsizeinches = None, model_display = {}, data_display = {}, interval_display = {}): ''' Plot prediction/credible intervals. Args: * **plot_pred_int** (:py:class:`bool`): Flag to include PI on plot. * **adddata** (:py:class:`bool`): Flag to include data on plot. * **addlegend** (:py:class:`bool`): Flag to include legend on plot. * **figsizeinches** (:py:class:`list`): Specify figure size in inches [Width, Height]. * **model_display** (:py:class:`dict`): Model display settings. * **data_display** (:py:class:`dict`): Data display settings. * **interval_display** (:py:class:`dict`): Interval display settings. Available display options (defaults in parantheses): * **model_display**: `linestyle` (:code:`'-'`), `marker` (:code:`''`), `color` (:code:`'r'`), `linewidth` (:code:`2`), `markersize` (:code:`5`), `label` (:code:`model`), `alpha` (:code:`1.0`) * **data_display**: `linestyle` (:code:`''`), `marker` (:code:`'.'`), `color` (:code:`'b'`), `linewidth` (:code:`1`), `markersize` (:code:`5`), `label` (:code:`data`), `alpha` (:code:`1.0`) * **data_display**: `linestyle` (:code:`':'`), `linewidth` (:code:`1`), `alpha` (:code:`1.0`), `edgecolor` (:code:`'k'`) ''' # unpack dictionary credible_intervals = self.intervals['credible_intervals'] prediction_intervals = self.intervals['prediction_intervals'] prediction_intervals, figsizeinches, nbatch, nn, clabels, plabels = self._setup_interval_plotting( plot_pred_int, prediction_intervals, credible_intervals, figsizeinches) # setup display settings interval_display, model_display, data_display = self._setup_display_settings(interval_display, model_display, data_display) # Define colors cicolor, picolor = self._setup_interval_colors(nn = nn, prediction_intervals = prediction_intervals) # initialize figure handle fighandle = [] axhandle = [] for ii in range(self.__ndatabatches): credlims = credible_intervals[ii] # should be ny lists inside ny = len(credlims) # extract data dataii = self.datapred[ii] # define independent data time = dataii.xdata[0].reshape(dataii.xdata[0].shape[0],) for jj in range(ny): htmp, ax = self._initialize_plot_features(ii = ii, jj = jj, ny = ny, figsizeinches = figsizeinches) fighandle.append(htmp) axhandle.append(ax) # add prediction intervals - if applicable if prediction_intervals is not None: ax.fill_between(time, prediction_intervals[ii][jj][0], prediction_intervals[ii][jj][-1], facecolor = picolor[0], label = plabels[0], **interval_display) # add range of credible intervals - if applicable for kk in range(0,int(nn)-1): ax.fill_between(time, credlims[jj][kk], credlims[jj][-kk - 1], facecolor = cicolor[kk], label = clabels[kk], **interval_display) # add model (median parameter values) ax.plot(time, credlims[jj][int(nn)-1], **model_display) # add data to plot if adddata is True: plt.plot(dataii.xdata[0], dataii.ydata[0][:,jj], **data_display) # add title self._add_batch_column_title(nbatch, ny, ii, jj) # add legend if addlegend is True: handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() ax.legend(handles, labels, loc = 'upper left') return fighandle, axhandle
@classmethod def _setup_display_settings(cls, interval_display, model_display, data_display): ''' Compare user defined display settings with defaults and merge. Args: * **interval_display** (:py:class:`dict`): User defined settings for interval display. * **model_display** (:py:class:`dict`): User defined settings for model display. * **data_display** (:py:class:`dict`): User defined settings for data display. Returns: * **interval_display** (:py:class:`dict`): Settings for interval display. * **model_display** (:py:class:`dict`): Settings for model display. * **data_display** (:py:class:`dict`): Settings for data display. ''' # Setup interval display default_interval_display = {'linestyle': ':', 'linewidth': 1, 'alpha': 0.5, 'edgecolor': 'k'} interval_display = check_defaults(interval_display, default_interval_display) # Setup model display default_model_display = {'linestyle': '-', 'marker': '', 'color': 'r', 'linewidth': 2, 'markersize': 5, 'label': 'model', 'alpha': 1.0} model_display = check_defaults(model_display, default_model_display) # Setup data display default_data_display = {'linestyle': '', 'marker': '.', 'color': 'b', 'linewidth': 1, 'markersize': 5, 'label': 'data', 'alpha': 1.0} data_display = check_defaults(data_display, default_data_display) return interval_display, model_display, data_display @classmethod def _setup_interval_colors(cls, nn, prediction_intervals = None): ci = [] pi = [] if prediction_intervals is not None: ci.append('#c7e9b4') pi.append('#225ea8') else: ci.append('#253494') ci.append('#1d91c0') ci.append('#7fcdbb') ci.append('#c7e9b4') return ci, pi @classmethod def _initialize_plot_features(cls, ii, jj, ny, figsizeinches): ''' Initialize plot for prediction/credible intervals. Args: * **ii** (:py:class:`int`): Batch # * **jj** (:py:class:`int`): Column # * **ny** (:py:class:`ny`): Number of intervals * **figsizeinches** (:py:class:`list`): Specify figure size in inches [Width, Height]. ''' fighandbatch = str('Batch # {}'.format(ii)) fighandcolumn = str('Column # {}'.format(jj)) fighand = str('{} | {}'.format(fighandbatch, fighandcolumn)) htmp = plt.figure(fighand, figsize=(figsizeinches)) # create new figure plt.figure(fighand) ax = plt.subplot(ny,1,jj+1) plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5) return htmp, ax @classmethod def _add_batch_column_title(cls, nbatch, ny, ii, jj): ''' Add title to plot based on batch/column number. Args: * **nbatch** (:py:class:`nbatch`): Number of batches * **ny** (:py:class:`ny`): Number of intervals * **ii** (:py:class:`int`): Batch # * **jj** (:py:class:`int`): Column # ''' # add title if nbatch > 1: plt.title(str('Batch #{}, Column #{}'.format(ii,jj))) elif ny > 1: plt.title(str('Column #{}'.format(jj))) # -------------------------------------------- def _setup_interval_plotting(self, plot_pred_int, prediction_intervals, credible_intervals, figsizeinches): ''' Setup variables for interval plotting Args: * **plot_pred_int** (:py:class:`bool`): Flag to plot prediction interval * **prediction_intervals** (:py:class:`list`): Prediction intervals * **credible_intervals** (:py:class:`list`): Credible intervals * **figsizeinches** (:py:class:`list`): Specify figure size in inches [Width, Height]. Returns: * **prediction_intervals** (:py:class:`list` or `None`): Prediction intervals * **figsizeinches** (:py:class:`list`): Specify figure size in inches [Width, Height]. * **nbatch** (:py:class:`int`): Number of batches * **nn** (:py:class:`int`): Line number corresponding to median. * **clabels** (:py:class:`list`): List of label strings for credible intervals. * **plabels** (:py:class:`list`): List of label strings for prediction intervals. ''' prediction_intervals = self._check_prediction_interval_flag(plot_pred_int = plot_pred_int, prediction_intervals = prediction_intervals) # check if figure size was specified if figsizeinches is None: figsizeinches = [7,5] nbatch, nn, nlines = self._setup_counting_metrics(credible_intervals = credible_intervals) clabels, plabels = self._setup_labels(prediction_intervals = prediction_intervals, nlines = nlines) return prediction_intervals, figsizeinches, nbatch, nn, clabels, plabels # -------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _check_prediction_interval_flag(cls, plot_pred_int, prediction_intervals): ''' Check prediction interval flag. Args: * **plot_pred_int** (:py:class:`bool`): Flag to plot prediction interval * **prediction_intervals** (:py:class:`list`): Prediction intervals Returns: * **prediction_intervals** (:py:class:`list` or `None`): Prediction intervals ''' # check if prediction intervals exist and if user wants to plot them plot_pred_int = convert_flag_to_boolean(plot_pred_int) if plot_pred_int is False or prediction_intervals is None: prediction_intervals = None # turn off prediction intervals return prediction_intervals # -------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _setup_labels(cls, prediction_intervals, nlines): ''' Setup labels for prediction/credible intervals. Args: * **prediction_intervals** (:py:class:`list`): Prediction intervals * **nlines** (:py:class:`int`): Number of lines Returns: * **clabels** (:py:class:`list`): List of label strings for credible intervals. * **plabels** (:py:class:`list`): List of label strings for prediction intervals. ''' clabels = ['95% CI'] plabels = ['95% PI'] # check if prediction intervals exist if prediction_intervals is None: clabels = ['99% CI', '95% CI', '90% CI', '50% CI'] if prediction_intervals is None and nlines == 1: clabels = ['95% CI'] return clabels, plabels # -------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _setup_counting_metrics(cls, credible_intervals): ''' Setup counting metrics for prediction/credible intervals. Args: * **credible_intervals** (:py:class:`list`): Credible intervals Returns: * **nbatch** (:py:class:`int`): Number of batches * **nn** (:py:class:`int`): Line number corresponding to median. * **nlines** (:py:class:`int`): Number of lines ''' # define number of batches nbatch = len(credible_intervals) # define counting metrics nlines = len(credible_intervals[0][0]) # number of lines nn = + 1)/2) # median nlines = nn - 1 return nbatch, nn, nlines